Well, with no phone calls from her for almost 2 weeks I thought things are finally settled.
Apparently it isn't.
I've received an email from her with just an attachment of our photo together, taken some time back. I received this email a day after she claimed she is leaving to NZ.
Being an IT guy I am, I tracked the emails originating IP and guess what, the email was sent from PETALING JAYA. I didn't know there's PJ too in NZ! She didn't even leave the country, she just went back to her hostel! Well, not that it matters to me.
Yesterday had a phone call from her again.
She said the parents are upset, and she will change herself just to be with me and stuffs.
This is the girl once I loved, or at least I tried. I have changed myself so much for her. I was growing into a mould she wants me to be. I failed, fortunately. I decided to quit and move on. She hasn't. Why? Coz she loves me? May be, but i'm just not sure. She cries saying that she grew up with the principal of loving one guy and get married to him. Going by this statement, I'm needed to up-hold her principal! What about me? My feelings? My needs? My space?
I'm not saying she is abusive, unfaithful or anything of that sort. She is an excellent girl. She is faithful beyond doubt. She just can't be with me, and I just continuosly failed to keep her happy. I've tried, failed, tried again and failed most definitely. I called it quit. I, had the final say, at least.
She is free now. But, NOW, she cries saying she only can think of the good things I have done for her. I have been great to her, she claims. No one looked after her like I had, said this too. Well, its all too late now. The damage is done. I've moved on.
I'm not saying that I have been great neither. I had a lot of short comings. Did a lot of nonsenses. Did this, and didn't do that. I am imperfect. I am HUMAN.
I just wished her good luck and said, please take care of yourself. May god bless you.
I'm moving on, certainly. No doubt about it. Enough of tears, cries, pains and everything that came with it.
Dear God, please bless her and give her strength to move on. May the right one come her way, and she will be in right hands.
I'm resigned to the fate.