Don't babysit me anymore...i'm 27!
The thing about family is that it is never like a firm!
I mean, in a firm you'll have your Director elected, the Deputy or Acting Dir., managers, and then the staffs all appointed. No misleads. No confusions. The rank and file are there for everyone to see.
In a family, its way times it work wonders, at other times it fails miserably.
Ever since mum passed away, I have seen more than 1 person trying to be resposible for my being. I appreciate it. Yes, definitely. After all, I'm talking about my own blood here.
But, at 27 I'm good enough for myself. I can take care of myself. If I'm sick, I know where the clinic is. If I'm hungry, I know how to walk to a food stall and order my food. If I'm tired, I know where the TV and couch is in my rented apartment. I will be fine. I am.
I love my siblings, no doubt. But, they are just trying too much to take care of me. You guys have your own family, kid(s) to raise and domestic affairs to be sorted out. Please leave me out of the picture and look into it.
Last weekend, I realised how doing something that I have been doing all this while can hurt someone. Well, I have been hibernating at my elder brothers house for as long as I can remember. So, since Jan, I have been continuing the same. Just that I have reduced my trips to mum's house. Not that I don't want to go but the memories are still too strong for me go there and pretend as I feel nothing about it. Not that I don't care, but I have my personal reasons.
So, I found out that my hibernation caused some sort of displeasure with my other 2 siblings.
I have never showed any favouritism, may be I was trying to avoid my sis, but thats different story. They would have felt that way, may be. As a damage control measure, I spent the Sunday with my sis and sent my second brother a SMS saying 'SORRY'.
I realised, that I can't be holding on to my sorry feelings for too long. I have to pick up pace with my life and move on. So, I have decided that the next time I'm going back to KL, I'm heading to mum's house straight! With or without anyone waiting. I just have to send the message that I'm old enough for myself.
I'm learning about life more and more everyday.
you can't please everyone.
and sorry about last weekend.
this weekend we're at home. Jadi ke dtg tengok bola?jadila.........ajak hairol and umi skali.
yup...i know i can't please everyone.....learning from the hard way....
alamak, this weekend i tak balik lah....may be for final lah kot....i will inform earlier ok...
tu pun last minute plan ngan si hairol....tu jer...tak per...
like pu1pu3 said, we can't please everyone. Besides, the first person we have to please is ourselves, right?
Thanks Ana,
yup. Understood. That is what I am doing now. Only what I think is good for me. I'm old enough for myself.....
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