Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I heard my mum.....

I'm not making this up and I'm sure what I heard....

last nite, when I was about to go to bed, I heard a voice calling 'SIVA'.
'Siva' is my pet name at home. And I recognised that voice. I'm pretty sure.

It's my mum's voice! I'm not kidding. I woke up, looked around and found nothing and went back to sleep. I was not sleeping at that time, were about to.

Am I imagining things? Is it simply because I miss her so much? I don't know.
I heard what I heard.

I miss you mum.


At June 28, 2006 3:10 pm, Blogger ROYAL JESTER said...

it might be all in your thoughts.I have that too with my kids.They are not crying, but I hear the sound of crying coming from the room..tapi tengok they are sound asleep.Its in our thoughts and imagination.
But the spirit is there...

At June 29, 2006 3:41 pm, Blogger Visithra said...

Its either u were thinking about her - or ure having probs n she was assuring u - i could believe u - ive had one such occasion with my dad - my mom has a few - but normally its dreams - warning us of something

At June 30, 2006 9:45 am, Blogger Gusti Adipati said...


I heard her clearly. May be my imagination....but it was as real as it could...

mmm....not sure what she is assuring me of. Do you believe in after life communication?

At June 30, 2006 11:14 am, Blogger Unknown said...

I think we all experience this phenomenal when our brain wave at the beta level. Some might take it as our imagination, some might not.
I experience it many times since Mak died.
Once, it was in the morning on my way to work. I heard Mak's voice called out my pet name (nobody knows my pet name here). The important thing is we carry them in our hearts where ever we go.

At June 30, 2006 1:49 pm, Blogger Visithra said...

i dont want to know if those communication exists - can be freaky - but like ana said its about remembering n the connection

At June 30, 2006 2:01 pm, Blogger Gusti Adipati said...

That explains it scientifically...rite...
Well, you are right it's the emotion that really matters....

I don't think its freaky, in fact I think those people who can communicate with after-life souls are gifted....

At July 04, 2006 2:54 pm, Blogger Visithra said...

im not calling them weird just its a scary thought its not easy plus its a burden - take it from someone who experiences dreams that come true every single one


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