Mock meat.....a mockery?
As my close friends would have known me by now....I'm a vegetarian....not a strict one though..but a weird one.
There are varieties of vegetarians to be found....below are some of them based on the order of its strictness..
1) "Extra Virgin" Vegetarian - the idea of these people is not to kill another living unit to served as food for us. Now mind you, this includes onion, garlic, potato, nuts, carrot, mushroom and other edible root vegetables! They only eat leafy vegetables but even then not the ones that you have to "uproot" then wholly.
2) "Virgin" Vegetarian - these group of people absolutely avoid meats...any meats at all!
3) "Red Meat" Vegetarian - this group avoids only red meats. However, they do consume sea foods
4) "Chicken-Egg" Vegetarian - WE are a hybrid of 2) and 3). As we consume chicken egg. Not the chicken. Mmmm...pretty wierd huh.
All the vegetarians in the groups above absolutely avoid any food that contains any of the prohibited meats. Except for the one below
5) "I-Don't-Know-I-Don't-Care-Or-At-Least-I-Pretend-I-Don't-Know" Vegetarian. Now this group is a bit weird, they avoid chicken, but eat chicken curry minus the meat. Fish curry minus the fish. Mutton curry minus the mutton and so on. So I really don't know what is suppose to mean. I personally think they commit more sin than I or the non-vegetarians do. You kill a chicken, put it into your curry, cook it and serve it. Later decided to throw away the meat! What an insult for that chicken!
Anyway, It's their problem and not mine I'm happy to be entering my 7th year as a vegetarian!.
Although I have gained 10 KG in the first 3 months since I turned vege, I still love it. My weight now have been consistent between 56-58.
P/s: When I wrote the title of this article i had something else in mind, but by the time the words started to flow it went way off from the intended article byt heck care! I'm A Vegetarian!
But I dont eat carrot, mushroom, egg plant, cucumber, lady's finger and beet root! YUUCKS!
Long Live Chicken, Cow, Fish, and Goat! Mbeeeekkk!