Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Disabled or These Abled!

It was quite interesting to notice the "Support These Abled People" campaign which was there for years in Singapore. Not that I have just noticed 'em but i have just decided to talk about it.

Disability - got nothing to do with physical condition of a person. It's mere incapability within the individual. Each one of us have our own disabilities.

If that's the case, why do we shamely term these group of special people as "Disabled"?
Ever wondered how would they feel? Naaah......"I am showing sympathy, so it's fine"

It's always easy to focus at the good points in our acts.....I do that most of the time.
But it's not the same. Just not the same. For once, just once imagine we have to go through what Dick and Jane had to go through in "Fun With Dick And Jane"? Leading a quite high profile life, with too much of a commitment like most of the middle class people like us do. Then suddenly one day, you loose your job. Hunting for another job, but not losing your pride! It's not easy when you are running out of cash on daily basis. After much of a struggle, you become desperate for money.....say....just "say" (I don't wish for it) day we had to beg to feed our kids, wife and lead any life at all....then came a generous man and gives us some money....and he goes....

"Hey beggar, here take this 1 dollar" he smiles and walks away thinking...."wow, thats another good deed of the day"

It IS a good deed, but "beggar"? At that point, can you imagine how it would have hurt you! You will be reduced to mere molecule in the universe. The whole world sounds cruel and harsh on you and makes you look like a fool, wouldn't it.

That is how exactly these "These Abled" people would feel when we hang those "Donations for Disabled Peoples" and get them to sit there and show off as though they are happy only with your monetary contribution. It's not the same. What about their pride, esteem, morale? Who cares heh?? Not quite.

With that, I think its important we at least familiarise ourselves with the term "These Abled People" coz, they have more abilities, determination and grit than you and me! I'm sure.


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