Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You don't mean everything you say, rite?

Sometimes, we tend to just say things without thinking how much it will offend the other person.
For us, it should be taken lighlty. But often, that is not the case.

As we realise, there are more people gets offended with such remarks.

For example, when you say 'Go to hell' I'm sure you didn't mean it.
Same goes to 'F*** you'. Or anything else.

I said something too, to someone. I didn't mean to upset, degrade, demean, offend, or anything that sort. I was merely being stupid.

I am sorry. Please forgive me.

I am sorry.


At July 13, 2006 2:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its amazing how mere words carry such emotional burden..

At July 13, 2006 3:15 pm, Blogger kG said...

I used to be in your position all the time sometime back due to my inability to contain and rationalize my thoughts and emotions.

Nowadays, when I'm angry, I choose not to speak. Not a single word would be uttered in fear of exloding or unintentionally blurting the wrong thing out.

At July 13, 2006 4:29 pm, Blogger ROYAL JESTER said...

Who did you offend this time?The 'dinner date'?Or maybe you're overreacting...maybe you didn't even say the wrong things unintentionally...

At July 14, 2006 11:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we all say something wrong every once in a while sometimes. especially when we are anxious. me too! but don't worry about it. it'll pass and next time, we'll know to apply filter first eh?

At July 15, 2006 11:34 am, Blogger Gusti Adipati said...

Vani,'s amazing...believe i just got to be careful the next time

I was just joking...but my joke was offensive i guess...sigh...

Yup, the 'dinner date'. I am not over acting...but i realised my comment was harsh and unnecessary...but things are ok now...i made up to her....with a small palm size, single sun flower bouquet....and a card....he he he

Thanks for dropping by my blog....appreciate it...
Will definitely use the filtering more in future.....:)

(p/s : I am taking the liberty to link to your blog....please tell me if it's 'offensive' ok. 'using filter mah')

At July 15, 2006 12:34 pm, Blogger kG said...

Oh gosh. you too?!

I had a misunderwearing(misunderstaing) with someone around the same time you posted this for that very exact reason.

My "sarcasm" kinda got to my friend.

At July 17, 2006 10:35 am, Blogger Gusti Adipati said...


Ha ha ha......sometimes we just tend to upset others without the need rite? Its just one of the incidents I guess


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