Monday, November 07, 2005

Festival Celebrations (the true story)

First of all, Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya to all Malaysians and others who celebrate it.Malaysian celebrate everything and anything that comes with a public holiday. Or else how would you explain the madness rush to get tickets that starts months before the actual event.

By the way, "Happy Deepavali AND Selamat Hari Raya" was meant to be chronologically correct,although in Malaysian context I would have made a grammatical error. It should be "Selamat Hari Raya AND Happy Deepavali" politically. Anyway, its just a po-tah-to, po-ta-to.

Anyway the major issue here, are festivals really a thing to be celebrated anymore?C'mon when we were young all we know festival means new clothings, home made delicacies, friends and relatives at home, grand lunch or dinner or both, and most importantly ANG POW!

It is celebrative when you are at receiving end of all these things, but when you grow older and fit into the giving end its all spells disaster!

Now, don't mistake me for not being honest in providing all these (or most of it), its just that the thing that comes with it is beyond humane! (at least for me).

Just look at my expenditure last week alone!

1) Kids clothings(for 6) : RM 300
2) New curtain : RM 150
3) New cushion cover : RM 100
4) Elderly clothings : RM 350
5) Dearie clothings : RM 150
6) My own clothings : RM 50
7) Travel expense : RM 200
8) ANG POW! (for kids and elderly): RM 250
9) Misc expenditure : RM 300
(after the hectic eat, drive, eat, drive, eat, sleep routine people tend to fall sick)

TOTAL : RM 1850!!!! (now this figure is not a big deals for most of you...but for me!)

I love to do it once in a year....but my own streak of special occasions is a bit crazy...
just look at this

Oct : Deepavali (normally)
Nov : Dearie B'day
Dec : X'mas
Jan : Our anniversary
Feb : Valentines

Man! I'm just a plain white collar worker! I can take it no more!...

but then........Selamat Hari Raya & Happy Deepavali
Maaf Zahir Batin


At November 08, 2005 7:58 am, Blogger Jijah R said...

to add on to ur list: My duit raya $$

At November 08, 2005 2:10 pm, Blogger ROYAL JESTER said...

I'm broke too this month!Festival comes but extra income takde.Teruk betul!

At November 09, 2005 6:23 pm, Blogger Gusti Adipati said...

duit raya tak mampu...kuih raya mampulah.....kan dah bagi tadi...tapi sikit jer....sorry yer

tulah...i pun belum dapat settlement for my works....adelah dekat SGD 1000 in total....dah 6 bulan tak bayar2 lagi

At November 11, 2005 11:21 am, Blogger Jijah R said...

Whattt???u r not paid ke? mcm gini dah kena strike!!!
emm...biasalah private co kat s'pore...but make sure eh u got ur share.emm...jgn lupa blanjalah...=D

At November 12, 2005 12:18 am, Blogger Gusti Adipati said...

not paid for my freelance joblah... :D


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